Little Kin Park- accessible and inclusive playground. 


🌟 Thank You for Making the Little Kin Park Unveiling Event a Success! 🌟

Dear Community,

We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you who joined us last night for the unveiling of the Little Kin Park. Your presence and support made the event truly special, and we couldn't be more thrilled with the turnout.

We're incredibly grateful to Mark Jones, Territory Manager for New World Park Solutions, for his incredible display and video reenactment of the park. Kevin Miller, Manager of SWM Community Service and Recreation, deserves a huge round of applause for organizing the open house and answering all our questions with such patience and expertise.

A big shoutout goes to Mayor Allan Mayhew and all the councilors who took the time to attend and show their support. Amy Choi, your presence and willingness to address questions did not go unnoticed, and we appreciate you being there.

Special thanks to Sherry McMaus for keeping us caffeinated with delicious coffee and for helping with the setup. And let's not forget the amazing bakers—Carolyn McMillan, Nancy Mott, Alice, and Randy James—for treating us to such delightful treats.

Sam Cormier, SWM Recreation Coordinator, played a crucial role in ensuring everything ran smoothly, and we're excited about the fantastic projects SWM has planned for the summer of 2024.

To those who submitted questions beforehand, rest assured that we've forwarded them to Kevin Miller and anticipate a response shortly. If you have any further concerns or queries, please don't hesitate to reach out to Kevin at or call 519-287-2015 Ext 8112.

Once again, thank you all for your support and enthusiasm. The Little Kin Park is a testament to what we can achieve when we come together as a community. We can't wait to see you all enjoying this wonderful addition to our neighborhood!

Warm regards,

Denise/Your Wardsville

🔍 Have Thoughts to Share? 

We've provided several ways  for you to share your thoughts, ideas, or inquiries regarding the Little Kin Park project:

Your input is invaluable as we shape the future of Little Kin Park together!

Community Inquiry Form: Little Kin Park Project

Little Kin Park- accessible and inclusive playground. 


📢 Exciting News for Wardsville! 🌳🎉

We are thrilled to announce that Southwest Middlesex Mayor and council have given the green light to proceed with the Little Kin Park Accessible-Inclusive playground project. Awarded to New World Park Solutions-Playworld, with a bid of $391,038.50 (excluding HST), this decision marks a significant step forward in realizing the vision for Little Kin Park.

To engage the community further, an open house hosted by Southwest Middlesex and New World Park Solutions-Playworld will take place on April 10th from 4-8 PM at the Wardsville Masonic Hall. This event aims to provide an opportunity for discussion and to address any questions regarding the project.

We extend our gratitude to Kevin Miller, SWM Manager of Community Services and Facilities, Jeff Brick, Interim CAO, Mayor Allan Mayhew, and all councillors for their dedication and efforts towards this project.

Stay tuned for updates move forward with making Little Kin Park a vibrant and inclusive space for our community. Thank you for your continued support!

Greetings from Ken Willis, your local historian!

Do you have any memorabilia, photos, stories, or past team photos of Little Kin Park? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you could forward them to me @ Ken Willis .Your contributions will play a crucial role in preserving the history and memories of our beloved park.

Thank you for your support and for helping to keep our community's history alive!

Best regards,

Ken Willis

For Your Information:

Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our community. 🌟

Other documents and link to SWM You Tube channel.

The Little Kin Park Survey 

To view the 2023 survey findings, click on this link labeled "Results

Click on this link, read the story and  find out how and why Little Kin Park came to be in existence.

Little Kin Park has been a central gathering spot for decades in Wardsville. Ageing infrastructure, ageing trees and lack of programming have all led to the park not being used to its full capacity. With a portion of Little Kin Park now designated as a sacred spot to honour the St James Anglican Church and cemetery, Little Kin Park needs to be "reimagined". This takes money and a dedicated group of community members to see our little park become a focal area for Wardsville again.

Let us follow these steps and foster community engagement, we can work towards transforming Little Kin Park into a vibrant and inclusive gathering space that reflects the values and desires of the Wardsville community.

 We can work towards reimagining Little Kin Park into a vibrant focal point for Wardsville.


Little Kin Park-renewal 24.01.02

Little Kin Park Presentation